Get 20% off this month when you try our advertising services! Advertise your art business, supplies, and classes in our beautiful painting magazine.
937-343-4440 Painting magazine
Get 20% off this month when you try our advertising services! Advertise your art business, supplies, and classes in our beautiful painting magazine.
We value originality and creativity, and we adhere to strict copyright standards to protect artists' work. To maintain these principles, please ensure your submissions follow these guidelines:
We’re passionate about sharing projects that:
We welcome a range of styles, from traditional to contemporary, as long as your project introduces something innovative or exciting to our readers.
We feature a variety of art forms, including but not limited to:
We’re looking for projects across a variety of themes, including:
Projects that elevate home décor with trendy, functional, and artistic designs.
Unique art pieces transformed into fashion statements, from clothing to accessories.
Thoughtful, personalized creations perfect for gift-giving moments.
Difficulty Levels:
We welcome submissions suitable for all skill levels, including beginner, intermediate, advanced, and intensive.
We invite you to be part of Painting World Magazine. Your fresh ideas and original artwork could inspire countless artists to explore their creativity. If you’re ready to share your unique techniques and perspectives, we’d love to hear from you!
Submit Your Project Photo:
Please send a high-quality project photo via email to for consideration at least six months before the desired publication date. If you have been asked by the editor "no matter the time frame," please feel free to answer that request.
Once your submission is accepted (and not before), you will receive a Google Drive link to upload all necessary materials. Please ensure the following items are included in your upload:
Important Notes:
1) Bio & Bio Photo
2) Detailed Step by Step instructions
3) Line Drawing with Artists Copyright
4) Staged Photo "Cover Quality"
5) Project Photos
6) Signed License Agreement
7) Artist Contact Information for Publication
8) Suppliers Names and Email Address
9) Artist business ad 30625 wide by 4025 tall (Quarter Page) "Optional"
10) QR code to a free tip, technique, or mini project on your website. Please provide your logo with this. "Optional"
Thank you for following these guidelines! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at We look forward to seeing your creative projects!
No Shipping:
• Please use this template to format and send in all your instructions.
• Instructions must be submitted in one of the following formats: Microsoft Word (Windows), Google
Documents (All computers can use this), or PDF.
Instructions must contain all paint product numbers prior to the paint color name and as all the brush sizes.
Please write where each image should be placed in the instruction document and number the images accordingly. When you get ready to deposit your file you can do this whenever you like with the link for the Google shared drive file. Unfortunately, your project could be rejected if these procedures are not followed.
All images should be 300 dpi for print resolution. Take pictures in well-lit conditions, being cautious of shadows, and ensure they are focused before taking them. Also, please consider the
angle of the photo and items in, around, or in the photo's background.
We will list your contact details, websites, emails, etc., in the Artist Directory at the back of
the book, so please deposit a document in the Google Drive File with this information on it.
*** Ensure you insert all applicable trademark and copyright marks after names and brands.
• Surface name and product number with supplier's name and contact
• Surface name and product number with supplier's name and contact
• Surface name and product number with supplier's name and contact
Paints by Company Name:
• Paint (must include product numbers before the Paint Color Name)
• Paint
• Paint
Mediums/Other Products by Company Name:
• Medium (include product numbers)
• Medium
• Medium
Brushes by Company Name:
• Brush Name and Number (include product numbers)
• Brush Name and Number
• Brush Name and Number
Miscellaneous Supplies:
• Paper Towels
• Pencils
• Glitter
• Water bin
• Heat gun
• Etcetera
• Etcetera
Helpful Tip or Hint:
Feel free to tell the users any tricks you use to make projects and preparation easier. They love
Place all preparation instructions here. Include photos if that's important or if you think it
would help them out.
Painting Instructions:
Place all instructions in this area. Continue your instructions. Continue your instructions. Continue your instructions. If you use any picture files (not required, and I won't include them unless they are REALLY good quality pictures or high-resolution scans), name your picture files with apparent names, like image001.jpg, and then tell me where to put them like this. [image001.jpg goes here].
Sometimes, it helps to break the instructions into sections so the reader can more easily follow
them. Make your section headers noticeable to the scanning eye.
Please use complete sentences with good grammar and explain as much as possible what you did, how you did it, etc. I will not print short, unclear, or poorly written instructions and retain the
right to reject a project if they are not provided. Our readers deserve the best!
Make sure you wrap up the article with good finishing instructions and drop them in your Google Drive File. Late projects will not be printed or paid; they will be substituted with another project, so make sure you're keeping an eye on the date, so I don't miss any of your work.
We only have 72 pages to fit all our projects, ads, images, and text. We appreciate concise, clear instructions, and our readers do too!
Permanent Calendar 2025-2026
**The deadline for submission is 4 months before the respective publication is published.
As much as we'd like to, we can't accept everyone's submissions all the time. We're looking for highly original, unique styles and love to emphasize decorative painting, fine art, crafts, and mixed media, though we love all the art forms out there and will consider just about anything. That being said, there is a contract that is signed with the publication of each project for each artist per issue. That contract is legally binding worldwide and holds the designer 100% responsible for any and all copyright breaches.
NOTICE: Creating derivative paintings of copyrighted work (photos, other paintings, etc) without explicit, written permission from the original artist is illegal in the USA. See for further details.
We're very familiar with all the existing artists who have been coming up with new ideas for many years and want to encourage everyone to please try something new and not rely too heavily on existing work.
We recognize that many styles look similar but retain the right to reject anything we feel is too derivative, REGARDLESS of how the elements are rearranged. Our readers want new projects and that's what we try to give them!
If we find out that a project is copied, has been taught before, or looks too similar to any artist’s work, we will reject all future submissions from you and/or may pursue legal fines due to a breach of contract. We take copyrights very seriously and you will be held to the United States copyright laws if you are publishing with us, regardless of where you live. Please review your contract for full details.
You must obey the terms of your contract with the group PWF. This includes getting permission to use any of Terrye French's designs as well as giving credit were due. You can publish a French design, but you must have permission from the copyright holder Painting With Friends and you must list Terrye French in the credit and the author information.
Please see Painting With Friends terms for full information »
We do check designs against their database, and this applies to all submissions worldwide.
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